Closed rhinoplasty Korea + upturned, pinched, and bulbous nose


  • upturned nose
  • pinch nose
  • bulbous nose
  • retracted columella
  • narrow nasolabial angle

1. Surgical plan

Using the donated ribs, I planned to reconstruct the septal cartilage, lower the position of the nose tip, and create a nasolabial angle about 90 degrees. The nose bridge implant will be replaced with a new silicone implant.

2.  Pictures right after the surgery

Pictures are right after the surgery
Pictures are right after the surgery

3. A general review

According to the patient\’s surgical findings, the degree of septal cartilage damage was very severe, and septal cartilage reconstruction was inevitable. It was reconstructed using donated rib cartilages, and the overall shape of the nose came out naturally well, and it seems most important to recover without inflammation.

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