Closed Rhinoplasty Korea + mild contracted and upturned nose

1. Preoperative consultation

This patient came to the clinic scheduled to have their 4th rhinoplasty in order to correct a lifted nose. The nose tip had a lifted shape that seems to be a deformation from a minor contracture. The nose was blunt and droopy, as well as slightly bent to the right side.

2. Surgical plan

The plan is to reconstruct the damaged cartilage by determining the degree of damage to the cartilage at the tip of the nose and perform a septal extension by using autologous rib cartilage.

3. After-Surgery Photos

Right 90-Degree Lateral View
Right 45-Degrees Lateral View
Frontal view
Basal view

4. General Overview

This surgery was performed to correct a lifted nose due to a minor contracture. In this kind of surgery the most important thing is to determine the degree of tissue damage. The condition of the alar cartilage and the septal cartilage should be checked, and the damaged cartilage should be reconstructed if necessary. There was only about 1/3 of the right alar cartilage left and about 1/3 of the first half of the septal cartilage was been removed. Therefore, by using the autologous rib cartilage the alar cartilage and the septal cartilage were partially reconstructed, and through a septal extension graft the nose tip was sufficiently lowered.

Noselab plastic surgery clinic by Dr. Chayoung Kang

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