1. Counseling
The patient visited my clinic to correct her nostrils showing. Overall, the nose was short and upturned, and the skin at the tip of the nose was very hard and looked bulbous.
2. A surgical plan
The shape of the nose was not good compared to the number of surgeries, so I made a surgical plan based on the contracted nose. I decided to combine stem cell therapy with surgery in order to improve hard skin. When I looked at the shape of the nose tip, it was suspected that the cartilage in the nose was damaged, so I planned to reconstruct the cartilage in the nose by using the autologous rib cartilage. The tip of the nose was going down by performing a septal extension with the autologous rib bone, making the nose tip natural, and lowering the starting point for the silicone implant of the nose bridge.
3. Surgical findings
As expected, the surgical findings showed that almost 80% of both alar cartilage was removed and the tip of the nose was filled with hard contracted tissues. The silicone implant was removed because it was suspected that there was a frequent foreign body reaction around the tip of the nose. I sufficiently removed the contracted tissues from the tip of nose, and both alar cartilage was reconstructed using autologous rib cartilage. The following are the photos immediately after the operation.
3.1. Pictures right after the surgery

If you look at the picture on the right side, you can see that the columella came down naturally, the nasolabial angle was well set at about 95 degrees, and the bulbous feeling at the tip of the nose was improved a lot. The tip of the nose came down well, and the starting point of the nose came down together to prevent the feeling of looking long.

This is a 45 degree side photo. The tip of the nose is well down and the bulbous tip of the nose has also improved a lot.

The nostrils were showing too much from the front, came down naturally and the triangular shape of nostrils were smoothly corrected.

The tip of the nose and the alars of the nose have been corrected to a natural shape.
4. A general review
The contracted reaction in the nose was chronically progressed, resulting in shortening and visible deformation. All foreign substances that can cause contracted reaction have been removed to prevent contracted reaction in the future, and I plan to continue stem cell treatment to prevent contraction. Overall, Contracted and pinched appearance has improved a lot.
closed rhinoplasty
#cartilage #강차영 #비개방코성형
by Noselab closed rhinoplasty Korea Dr. Chayoung Kang